Insurance carriers
Delivering accurate and timely advice and insights as a matter of course
We help carriers across the insurance market understand and digest some of the more pertinent financial reporting and tax developments, and the implications for medium sized and smaller insurers.
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Insurer Update – Winter 2025
1min read
Read our latest issue of Insurer Update, our publication for insurance carriers designed to help you keep on top of the most relevant financial reporting and tax changes and understand the implications for medium sized and smaller insurers.
Solvency II: update for insurance carriers
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Brexit meant changes to the regulatory landscape for finance. We report on the PRA’s final statement on Solvency II, paving the way for the new Solvency UK.
Bermuda Corporate Income Tax: could it affect you?
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The new Bermuda CIT will apply to multinational enterprises in scope of Pillar Two. How will this impact UK intermediate entities?
Focus on the Gibraltar motor market
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How do our specialist teams support motor insurers on the Rock? And what’s the best way to prepare for next year end’s audit?
Sustainability reporting: is your insurer ready?
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ESG continues to be a dynamic and evolving topic, always of interest to stakeholders of insurers. We explore some of the key developments in the past year and how they might apply to your firm.
Pillar Two: what it means for UK intermediate entities of US parented insurance groups
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We explain why it is important for multinational entities (MNEs) to understand the interaction of Pillar Two and US tax principles – and how that affects UK intermediate entities.
Operational resilience: are you ready?
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The growing threats of cyber attacks and operational risks against a complex geopolitical backdrop are sharpening the focus of regulators. We summarise what firms must do by the March IBS deadline.
Solvency UK: changes for small firms
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What do the revised thresholds for Solvency II mean for firms? And what are the benefits of becoming a non-directive firm (NDF)?
UK GAAP: the latest updates for Carriers
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The FRC published periodic changes to FRS 102 in March. So what do these changes mean for insurers?
Tax in 2024: what is coming your way?
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As we look towards a New Year, we review some of the key tax areas to consider in the next 12 months.
Parametric insurance: a game-changer or a threat to traditional insurance?
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In our era of climate change and the unexpected events it can cause, it makes sense that a different approach to insurance is gaining traction. Financial Services Partner Satya Beekarry reports.
Solvency II: what’s the latest?
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We take a look back and forward at this year’s consultation papers and likely results.
ESG reporting – a fast-moving landscape
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New standards and frameworks for ESG reporting continue to emerge. We provide a brief summary of key developments in the past year. Find out if they apply to you and how you will need to prepare.
Insurance sector risks and priorities for 2024
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Read our guide to understand the risks and priorities that the insurance sector will face in 2024.
PESMs: are you applying yours correctly?
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Insurers should consider how their investments impact their VAT partial exemption calculations before HMRC beats them to it.
Insurance sector risks & priorities for 2023: mid-year update
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Last September we shared our views on what should be front of mind for insurance sector firms and their internal audit functions. Now we revisit those topics and how they have evolved.
Embedding Consumer Duty – how is your firm doing?
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Consumer Duty remains high on the regulatory agenda. Here’s our guide to the best way to design and operate effective governance controls.
Post-Brexit Solvency II reforms: what is changing?
1min read
Following last year’s Government consultation on Solvency II, here’s an overview of the main proposals and decisions made as a result.