
Restructuring & Insolvency

A business plan is, in essence, a roadmap for your business.


Aiming for growth

Restructuring & Insolvency

Entrepreneurs, perhaps fearful of also becoming personally insolvent, can find that their mental health is suffering as well as their finances.


Lonelier than ever at the top

Restructuring & Insolvency

Whilst daunting, if you know you are going to lose a large customer for reasons other than their insolvency, you will generally have some time to adapt. But this isn’t the case when a customer suddenly goes bust, leaving a large unpaid balance on its account.


How to survive losing a customer

Restructuring & Inslvency

It is vitally important that Trustee’s employ good governance. This is more important than ever during the pandemic.


Forewarned is forearmed

Just days after the government extended the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) to cover […]


COVID-19: Further business support announced

A new month-long lockdown will come into effect in England just after midnight on Thursday 5 November, and will last until 2 December.


COVID-19: Financial support extended as lockdown gets parliamentary approval

Zinnwald Lithium plc (formerly Erris Resources Plc) was admitted to trading on AIM on Friday 30 October, following the completion […]


Deal alert: Zinnwald Lithium plc

The Brexit transition period ends on 31 December 2020. Most insurance intermediaries have either established a suitable structure or entered […]


On demand webinar: Broking Briefing: Brexit – the end of the beginning

Our regular Tax Talk newsletters provide the latest news, insight and analysis on tax related matters, covering both corporate and personal taxation issues.


Tax Talk: October 2020

As the UK will no longer be part of the EU community after 31 December, social security agreements with EU countries will be subject to new provisions. Here’s what you need to know.


Tax Talk: Social security for mobile employees after Brexit

The Sunday Times front page on 30 August terrified the business world. It claimed Rishi Sunak was planning major tax […]


Tax Talk: Should businesses prepare for a Budget tax shock?

It’s tax return season again. To ease the Covid-19 economic burden, HMRC has announced a higher payment plan threshold. Find out if you qualify.


Tax Talk: HMRC offers greater flexibility for tax payments