
The FCA has recently published its expectations for remote and hybrid working within regulated businesses, including insurance brokers. So how can broking balance greater flexibility with maintaining regulatory compliance?


Remote working – what the FCA expects

Our ‘eCommerce – goods and marketplaces’ virtual event will cover VAT, GST and Sales and Use Tax related issues when goods are bought and sold using the internet. 


eCommerce – Goods and Marketplaces

Welcome to the first edition of Employers Hub , PKF Littlejohn’s new quarterly employment tax bulletin.


Employers’ Club: Meet the team

Human Capital

Forthcoming human capital related deadlines and timelines.


What’s coming up

It’s almost time for the office Christmas party, so it is worth being well versed in the tax implications of the choices you make.


Employers’ Club: Christmas – a time for giving?

Employment Tax

Since the pandemic, many more employees are working remotely. But are you aware of the legal and financial risks if they are in other countries?


Cross-border remote working: beware the pitfalls

Human Capital

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) ended on 30 September 2021. Claims for September had to be submitted no later than 14 October 2021.


CJRS claims worth a review

Digital platforms are continuing to transform insurance. How will insurance intermediaries gain assurance that new digital processes are working well?


Broking Business Winter 2021: Digital Risks and Challenges

Regardless of size, all companies must have a wind-down plan. Paul Goldwin explains how they can. The FCA published it’s ‘Wind-down […]


Broking Business Winter 2021: Why should wind-down planning be high on the agenda

Whether large or small, your company will now need to take extra care on cross-border dealings.


Broking Business Winter 2021: Making sense of international tax obligations

The general insurance markets for household and motor insurance aren’t working well for consumers, with many loyal customers not receiving good value.


Broking Business Winter 2021: Protecting the consumer from price walking

Employment Tax

Post-pandemic, the workforce is likely to return to higher levels of travel. Many employers overlook the importance of travel monitoring. We explain why it matters.


Why business travellers must be tracked