

Expenses and benefits can be more expensive than you think. Staying on top of expenses and benefits can be a […]


Tax Insight: P11D

Now you can tax company benefits manually through PAYE – discover the advantages of taxing benefits in kind yourself including […]


Tax Insight: Payrolling benefits in kind

Large businesses trading in the UK are now required to comply with three new regulations affecting their tax planning and […]


Tax Insight: Large businesses trading in the UK

From 6 April 2017 the taxation of cash or benefit agreements changed but speaking with clients it is clear that […]


Tax Talk: Optional Remuneration

The government-backed change in the VAT treatment of certain digital publications from standard to zero rated has been brought forward […]


Tax Talk: Digital publications – change in VAT treatment

The estate of medical staff who died due to COVID-19 which was contracted during their work may be able to […]


Tax Talk: Blue light Inheritance Tax

Some financial statement items cannot be measured precisely but can only be estimated. This is called an accounting estimate. These accounting […]


Capital Quarter Summer 2020: Using accounting estimates

The government has introduced a number of measures over the past few years to improve compliance and behaviour by UK […]


Capital Quarter Summer 2020: Changes to HMRC reporting regulations

The 4 March 2020 saw the long awaited takeover of NEX by Aquis Exchange PLC (approved by the FCA) and […]


Capital Quarter Summer 2020: The future of the Aquis Stock Exchange

Nick Joel takes a high-level look at and summarises the changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code, effective from 1 […]


Capital Quarter Summer 2020: The impact of the new carbon framework on business

There continues to be a low numberof issues on both AIM and the Main Market. This is reflected in the 6 […]


Capital Quarter Summer 2020: Market Analysis: What’s been happening on the stock market?

The critical moment is approaching.  From 1 January 2021, only an EU regulated insurance carrier or intermediary may undertake EU […]


Brexit – is your insurance business ready?