

The festive season is rife with fraudsters ready to take advantage of you. Robert Brooker, Head of Fraud and Forensic at PKF, shares the top twelve frauds of Christmas and his tips on how to avoid them.


The twelve frauds of Christmas

The International Tax Enforcement (Disclosable Arrangements) Regulations 2020 (commonly known as DAC6), require the disclosure of cross-border arrangements, to HM Revenue & Customs (“HMRC”), provided certain criteria are met.


Will you meet the 30 January 2021 reporting deadline for your cross-border arrangements?

It’s the season when employers would normally be planning the work Christmas do. But in this bizarre year, they may […]


Tax Talk: Has Christmas been cancelled?

As we wait for the OECD to establish a universal tax regime, the UK has brought in rules affecting not […]


Tax Talk: Digital Services Tax – what it means for you

In an address to Parliament on 9 November 2020, the Chancellor confirmed that the government will  “…. make sure UK […]


Enhanced VAT recovery for UK financial services firms supplying EU customers

Restructuring & Insolvency

The financial crime landscape as we emerge from Covid is looking far worse than that following the financial crisis of 2008.


Escaping the Financial Crime Pandemic

Restructuring & Insolvency

A business plan is, in essence, a roadmap for your business.


Aiming for growth

Restructuring & Insolvency

Whilst daunting, if you know you are going to lose a large customer for reasons other than their insolvency, you will generally have some time to adapt. But this isn’t the case when a customer suddenly goes bust, leaving a large unpaid balance on its account.


How to survive losing a customer

Restructuring & Inslvency

It is vitally important that Trustee’s employ good governance. This is more important than ever during the pandemic.


Forewarned is forearmed

Just days after the government extended the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) to cover […]


COVID-19: Further business support announced

A new month-long lockdown will come into effect in England just after midnight on Thursday 5 November, and will last until 2 December.


COVID-19: Financial support extended as lockdown gets parliamentary approval

As the UK will no longer be part of the EU community after 31 December, social security agreements with EU countries will be subject to new provisions. Here’s what you need to know.


Tax Talk: Social security for mobile employees after Brexit