

Is it time to have that conversation about R&D, after all? Shona Barker explains the criteria for, and benefits of, making a claim.


Tax Talk: R&D claims seriously worth it

Is your career going to take you overseas?  Are you moving, or planning to move, to or from the UK for work? Or are you delayed somewhere because of the pandemic? Here’s a quick guide to your tax position.


Tax Talk: The difference between residency and domicile

Please see below summary of the Suralink User Group held on Wednesday 24th February. The main topics we covered were: Power […]


Suralink User Group update – 24 February

It’s been impossible to avoid media coverage on potential increases to capital gains tax. The rumours follow the big change that cut availability of…


Broking Business Winter 2020/2021: Brokers need a crystal ball

2020 was a year of survival for many firms, buoyed up by several factors. The rate increases across the markets, combined with their ability to reduce expenses…


Broking Business Winter 2020/2021: Resilience versus wind-down in 2021

What should brokers and MGAs be looking out for from the tax world?  Here’s our digest.


Broking Business Winter 2020/2021: Tax issues: stay on top

The FCA had concerns about the handling of client money. So last September it issued a “Dear CEO” letter to insurance intermediaries that addressed the subject


Broking Business Winter 2020/2021: Dear CEO: reading between the lines

There has been obvious disruption to the market, with some intermediaries more affected than others.


Broking Business Winter 2020/2021: How has Covid affected M&As?

As we start the new year, Heads of Internal Audit may be wondering what lies ahead in 2021 for their internal audit functions.


New year, new FS Code

The end of the transition period has substantial implications for the movement of goods  between the UK and EU Member States…


Brexit Tax Talk: VAT and the supply of goods – FAQs

The treaty Articles relating to dependent workers, determining an individual’s place of tax residence under treaty rules and claiming foreign tax credits will remain as they are.


Brexit Tax Talk: Brexit and globally mobile employees

Our experts have summarised the latest guidance, supplemented by their experience in recent weeks, in this month’s Tax Talk.


Brexit Tax Talk: Corporate Tax