

The popularity of cryptocurrency has exploded over recent years with many jumping onto the bandwagon in the hope of making a quick profit.


Tax Talk: Taxation of Cryptocurrency

For those who remember Marginal Relief , you were probably excited when the Government announced the changes to the rate of Corporation Tax in the 2021 Budget.


Tax Talk: A welcome marginal change in corporation tax

The regulators have reminded firms in the insurance sector of the importance of understanding the risks associated with outsourcing, and managing the risks and pitfalls that come with operating outsourced arrangements.


The risk of outsourcing

If you’re considering making investments into EIS Companies, and you want to know how this will affect your tax position, or whether the Company qualifies – speak to us and we can help. Note however that we cannot assist you in making an investment decision.


Tax Talk: The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS)

If you provide options, shares or other securities to your employees, you must file details with HMRC by 6 July. Here’s what you need to know.


Tax Talk: Share reporting: don’t get caught out

Many businesses provided new benefits to employees as they adapted to the coronavirus crisis. Daniel Kelly explains how such virus-related benefits will be taxed and should be reported to HMRC.


Tax Talk: How to report coronavirus related benefits

In the first of a series of regular articles for Insurance Age, Tax Partner Howard Jones looks at the impact […]


Post Brexit dispatches – What have we learnt so far?

In November the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) issued an open letter that focused on key issues for the 2020/21 financial reporting season. Imogen Massey summarises the main points.


Capital Quarter Spring 2021: What to remember in your next report to investors

UK companies that do business with the EU need to read the small print on current cross-border regulations. Chris Riley provides guidance.


Capital Quarter Spring 2021: Subtle post-Brexit changes – don’t be caught out

Since the start of 2021, EU-regulated listed companies must produce their annual reports using a new structured format. Here’s what you need to know.


Capital Quarter Spring 2021: ESMA reporting requirements – new digital standards

IR35 is finally upon us. Our Employment taxes expert Daniel Kelly recaps on the new legislation.


Capital Quarter Spring 2021: Green light for off-payroll working changes

UK resident individuals, trustees and personal representatives who realise a taxable gain on the disposal of UK residential property now need to report their disposal within 30 days of completion and pay any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) due within the same time frame.


Tax Insight: disposing of UK property