

The quarter to March 2022 saw a reduced level of activity in the markets compared to the previous year, following a record year in 2021 across LSE markets since 2007.


Capital Quarter: A significant slowdown in market activity

What are the errors and failings the FRC wants to see avoided in future corporate reports and accounts?


Capital Quarter: “Could do better”

Two court cases demonstrate the subtleties of VAT in the context of agents and principals.


Tax Talk: Who is liable?

HMRC is beginning to crackdown on social media influencers who may hide their earnings or be unaware of how their activities are taxed. We explain what to look out for.


Tax Talk: When must influencers pay tax?

Recent questions about the tax status of Rishi Sunak’s wife have turned the spotlight on the meaning of resident and domicile.


Tax Talk: When domicile doesn’t translate to residency

The ‘super-deduction’ and special rate first-year allowance were introduced in the 2021 Budget, to encourage firms to grow post-Covid by investing in productivity-enhancing plant and machinery assets. What to look out for?


Tax Talk: Capital allowances: exclusions, pitfalls and transition

While the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement aims to protect rights and maintain the old social security rules, individuals can still get caught and further changes to the UK’s agreements with EU and EEA countries are still possible.


Moving around Europe – social security for mobile employees

Although the UK may have entered the phase of ‘living with Covid’, companies can still take advantage of Corporation Tax measures introduced during the pandemic to help ease cash-flow.


Corporation Tax – Losses and extensions post-Pandemic

Ask a VAT expert for a double-check your thinking around VAT group changes / accounting before acting.


The ins and outs of VAT groups

HMRC is using of ‘nudge letters’ to prompt taxpayers to check whether their UK tax affairs are in order and to encourage self-correction.


Nudging taxpayers towards compliance

With delays to some tax refunds and the impact of group companies on ‘profit thresholds’ both affecting cash flow, it’s worth another look at the corporation tax payment on account process.


The challenge to corporation tax payments

An update on the FCA’s Consumer Duty consultations and anticipated new rules.


Putting the consumer at the heart of operations