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PKF Littlejohn appoints Chief Digital Officer
1min read
Phil Broadbery has joined PKF Littlejohn as a Partner in a new role of Chief Digital Officer.
Good practice guide: Client money for brokers
1min read
In our experience from carrying out numerous audits, investigations and due diligence projects, the subject of client money and risk transfer is sometimes misunderstood by insurance brokers, insurers and auditors alike.
Funds & Family Office: Custom reporting
1min read
With decades of service to family offices, ultra-high-net-worth individuals and inter-generational families, we understand better than most that our clients lead fast-paced, multi-faceted lives.
Funds & Family Office: Fund services
1min read
Wealthy individuals, multigenerational families, successful business owners and their key advisors turn to us for a personalised suite of services selected to reflect discrete preferences and priorities.
Funds & Family Office: Family services
1min read
The very things that make a family special are often what make the oversight of its financial and personal affairs problematic; there is no single solution that works best for everyone.
The future of commercial insurance broking
1min read
Commercial insurance brokers will need to have evolved into business advisors for their SME customers by 2027 or face extinction.
Treatment of insurance balances by insurance intermediaries under FRS 102
1min read
The introduction of FRS 102 has resulted in insurance intermediaries, and their auditors, needing to carefully consider the treatment of insurance balances in their financial statements, resulting from a number of enhancements within FRS 102 compared to previous UK GAAP.