Webinar: Insolvency & Debt

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Start date/time:
03/10/2023 11:00 am
End date/time:
03/10/2023 12:00 pm

We are delighted to be hosting the next Debt and Insolvency webinar in its series alongside industry experts, where we will explore current debt and insolvency levels in the UK. We will also discuss debt security and the options a business has when looking to recover its debts.

On the day we will be joined by Jeffersen Gledhill from DWF Law LLP’s Recoveries Department and the Chartered Institute of Credit Management’s Advisory Board member, Atul Vadher.

We will also review what Government agencies, including HMRC, are doing to tackle UK debt, and examine the latest reports on economic growth and how the outlook for 2024 could be more positive than many initial sceptics suggest.
PKF’s Brendan Clarkson and Oliver Collinge from the Business Advisory Team and our panel of experts will take questions from the audience and give their expert opinions and advice.