PKF Funds & Family Office dinner

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Start date/time:
10/03/2022 6:00 pm
End date/time:
10/03/2022 6:00 pm

Our Family Gathering Dinner Series was created to facilitate connections between families and single-family office executives in a safe and secure environment to enable you to share and learn from each other. The purpose of these meetings is very simple, to enable Family members and Single-family office executives to meet, share and learn in a safe space.

As a G2 Family Member and an executive running a business that serves families, their private offices and their businesses we now see many families, ourselves included starting to look at our role in the new COVID world, what direction we take and where the new opportunities might be

It is extremely valuable to share stories, ideas and experiences in a safe environment with other family members and single family office executives

Our Ninth family gathering dinner will focus on the following themes: –

  • We will hear from a G2 family member who will discuss her experience of implementing and driving the ESG/IMPACT agenda for her family’s private office. We aim to look at the process involved, aligning values with investment goals, getting access to the right opportunities, how to measure your impact, the tensions between impact versus returns, the challenges of getting all family members engaged and other related topics in this key area for all families and their private offices.
  • The table will be open to peer conversation and discussion on this theme and any others that are of interest and importance to you

As always, the floor will be open for all participants to share and interact with each other.

If you are a family member or single family office executive and are interested in joining us, please contact Paul Pratt in the first instance